The Office of 跨文化交往 和 领导 wants students to develop a greater sense of social responsibility for local, 区域, national 和 international communities through service. 学生 can volunteer as a group or independently. We offer year-round opportunities for students to volunteer on campus 包括 识字狮子会, 狮子对抗饥饿, 操作蓝色 & 黄金. We also offer 和 facilitate engagement with a variety of off-campus community partners so that students can find the cause or opportunity that is right f或者是m!

Volunteers preparing food with personal protective equipment.


To find service opportunities, post-service opportunities or to track service hours, 访问我们的志愿者门户网站 给Pulse. Below are some of the initiatives we support through our office.


学生 passionate about advocacy 和 ready to step up 和 speak out can support 和 partner with a variety of local efforts as well as current issues. We support students in their efforts for advocacy whether it's on-campus or off-campus. We can connect students with resources to support their own causes as well as connect them with local or 区域 organizations. 当地组织如 The Crisis Center of Northeast Texas, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) 需要帮助的妇女 are always seeking advocates, volunteers 和 education partners to support outreach initiatives. We also support students 和 student organizations seeking to advocate f或者是ir own issues.

人 marching for Black Lives Matter.



The 识字狮子会 program connects students with existing community efforts designed to promote 和 amplify the value of literacy. 学生可以参加 识字狮子会 event on 国际 读写能力 Day, adopt a Little 图书馆 in partnership with 亨特县联合劝募会, became a reader in our new partnership with the TAMUC's Children Learning Center,或在 商务图书馆.


学生 passionate about youth development can get involved with our ACE导师计划. 我们与 the Afterschool Center of 教育 (ACE) 对于一个 ACE导师计划. This mentorship program connects high school youth with college students. Mentors support academic 和 character development while also promoting college 和 career readiness.

Youth learning advance computer technology while being supervised by an instructor.

Volunteer with personal protective equipment storing shelf stable food.


Hunger 和 food insecurity is a local, 区域, national 和 international issue. There are numerous opportunities on 和 off-campus for students to join the fight against hunger. 通过这些机会, students will learn about the root causes of hunger 和 food insecurity 和 discover how to innovatively support communities. 学生 can volunteer in our annual meal packaging event 狮子对抗饥饿, volunteer at our Mobile Food Pantry, as well as volunteer with or host fundraisers 和 food drives on behalf of our community partners, 包括 狮子食品储藏室, 商业食物储藏室, the Bread of Life Food Pantry, 亨特县共享事工 或者是 北德克萨斯食品银行.


We strive for students to experience a sense of belonging 和 unity with the City of 商务. We want students to meet 和 engage with community members 和 support community events like 商务's annual festival, Bois D'arc Bash. We also host our campus-wide Annual Day of 服务, 操作蓝色 & 黄金, facilitate student interaction with residents 和 organizations of 商务.

Large group of volunteers maintaining  public facilities.


选择休息 are immersive trip experiences where groups of students engage in service related to specific social issues. Trips are designed to be affordable, 教育, provide h和s-on relevant experience with the community, challenge students to think “critically 和 compassionately” about social issues, return feeling “empowered to make more informed decisions 和 to take meaningful action that supports community efforts.(《皇冠体育365》,2021年). Spring Break Trip will be announced in late fall. Summer Break Trip will be announced mid spring.


The Office of 跨文化交往 has a group of volunteers known as the 服务委员会 who helps plan, facilitate 和 promote service opportunities 和 initiatives on 和 off-campus.

Applications to apply to join the service board will open each spring; however, there will be opportunities throughout the year for students interested in promoting 和 planning service events to support our board with our annual events. Be sure to check out 给Pulse f或者是se opportunities!


  • P.O. 3011箱
  • 商务,德克萨斯州75429-3011